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This meeting, having read the briefing documents and heard the reports provided by the ETU/CEPU:
- That the AER has failed the industry and consumers with the narrow approach in its 5 yearly determinations, particularly with respect to system resilience against natural disasters.
- The approach by the AER has resulted in decreased reliability, increased outages and disruptions, and unacceptable risks to members and consumers.
- Resources dedicated to the real tasks of modernising, upgrading and maintaining have been reduced, as has employment of the actual electrical specialists who perform that work.
- The current competitive nature of the market and regulatory structure of the industry serves neither consumers, nor electrical workers, nor the environment.
- The recommendations of The Australia Institute’s Report, Missing a Stitch in Time in relation to AER determinations, network maintenance, cost recovery, weather and natural disasters, capital and operational expenditure, training and qualifications, secure employment, the transition to renewables, and underspending by energy businesses.
An ETU/CEPU campaign to achieve:
- A National Electricity Rule (NER) change to fix AER decision making processes and to stop the cuts to preventative maintenance and network upgrades required for climate preparedness and energy transitions.
- An increase in job security and safety for members in network companies which in turn will improve community safety and increase reliability of supply.
- An improved AER determinations process for assessing network proposals for preventative maintenance, network upgrades required for climate preparedness and energy transitions. This should include:
- a mechanism such as a proactive ‘cost pass through application’ for preventative maintenance, emerging risk mitigation and augmentation activities for future network preparedness,
- changing the assessment metrics and process for assessment of network expansion and augmentation to include a broader set of factors rather than just direct cost,
- a requirement for the AER to factor in EBA provisions including safety, pay rates, training and apprenticeships.
Rank and file support from members employed by _______________ at ______________ in support of the ETU/CEPU AER National Electricity Rules Change Campaign.